The Ampache API Provides methods for pulling out it's meta data in the form of simple XML (and JSON!) documents. This was originally created for use by Amarok, but there is no reason it couldn't be used to create other front-ends to the Ampache data.
Access to the API is controlled by the Internal Access Control Lists. Currently all requests are limited to a maximum of 5000 results for performance reasons. To get additional results pass offset as an additional parameter.
If you have any questions or requests for this API please submit a Feature Request. All dates in the API calls should be passed as ISO 8601 dates.
API6 development has started but don't be alarmed! API5 is stable, not changing and like API3 and API4 will continue to be supported.
The goals of API6 are simply to extend on top of API5 and remove what's no longer needed. API5 docs have moved to the archive and API6 will become the default.
Archived Version Documentation
After each release, a documentation page will be created to allow pruning old features from the current version.
Ampache supports the last major release of each API version. You can also check out the past releases page for some historical detail but DO NOT use these pages as a guide for API development.
API Changelog
Take a look at the API Changelog to keep an eye on changes between versions
Before you begin
Ampache 5.2.0+ supports multiple API versions. This means that you can send your handshake with a specific version (e.g. 390001, 440001, 5.2.0 or 6.0.0) you will be sent API3, API4, API5 and API6 responses in return.
To change from API3 to API5 you can send a ping with a new version parameter to update your session (or send goodbye to log off and start again.)
API3 is not recommended for use outside of running old applications and it is recommended that you turn off API versions you don't use.
Sending Handshake Request
Multiple authentication methods are available, described in the next sections.
User / Password
The handshake is a combination of the following three things
- Encoded Passphrase
- Timestamp
- Username
The key that must be passed to Ampache is SHA256(TIME+KEY)
where KEY
. Below is a PHP example
$time = time();
$key = hash('sha256', 'mypassword');
$passphrase = hash('sha256', $time . $key);
Once you've generated the encoded passphrase, you can call the following URL (localhost/ampache is the location of your Ampache installation)
Api Key
The key that must be passed to Ampache is the API Key generated for a specific user (none by default, only the administrator can generate one). Then call the following URL (localhost/ampache is the location of your Ampache installation):
If you are using Ampache 4.0.0 and higher; the key can be passed to Ampache using SHA256(USER+KEY)
where KEY
is SHA256('APIKEY')
. Below is a PHP example
$user = 'username';
$key = hash('sha256', 'myapikey');
$passphrase = hash('sha256', $user . $key);
Other handshake-related stuff
Ampache sheme
To standardize how to transfer Ampache connection information, the following Ampache scheme is defined.
for example:
- ampache://myuser:mypwd@localhost/ampache
- ampache://yourapikey@localhost:993/ampache#ssl=true
Stream Token's
Ampache6+ allows you to create a Stream Token for a user.
The biggest bonus here is that these static tokens let you can create links that avoid the risk of the session expiring and don't require a handshake to create a session.
Once a user has been given a streaming token; all Democratic, Song, Podcast Episode and Video streams will use this session token.
e.g. https://music.com.au/play/index.php?ssid=supercoolstreamingtoken&type=song&oid=1511&uid=1&player=api&name=The%20Smashing%20Pumpkins%20-%20Wound.flac
This token does not allow a user to do anything except stream music and it requires an Admin to create the token for the user.
Application Name
By default Ampache uses USER_AGENT as application name but this could also be defined through http query string. Add &client=YourAppName
to override the application name. This parameter also works on stream sessions.
- Latitude
- Longitude
- Place name
Optionally, you can also provide geolocation information &geo_latitude=$latitude&geo_longitude=$longitude
, with an optional place name if you already know coordinates match &geo_name=$placename
If your authenticated User and IP match a row in the Access List the following will be returned.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
"auth": "cfj3f237d563f479f5223k23189dbb34",
"api": "6.0.0",
"session_expire": "2022-08-17T06:21:00+00:00",
"update": "2021-07-21T02:51:36+00:00",
"add": "2021-08-03T00:04:14+00:00",
"clean": "2021-08-03T00:05:54+00:00",
"songs": 75,
"albums": 9,
"artists": 17,
"genres": 7,
"playlists": 2,
"searches": 17,
"playlists_searches": 19,
"users": 4,
"catalogs": 4,
"videos": 2,
"podcasts": 2,
"podcast_episodes": 13,
"shares": 2,
"licenses": 14,
"live_streams": 3,
"labels": 3
All future interactions with the Ampache API must include the AUTHENTICATION_TOKEN
as a GET
variable named auth
All methods must be passed as action=METHODNAME
. All data methods can take an optional offset=XXX
and limit=XXX
. The limit determines the maximum number of results returned. The offset will tell Ampache where to start in the result set. For example if there are 100 total results and you set the offset to 50, and the limit to 50 Ampache will return results between 50 and 100. The default limit is 5000. The default offset is 0.
You can also pass it limit=none
to overcome the limit
limitation and return all the matching elements.
For more in depth information regarding the different api servers you can view the following documentation pages.
Auth Methods
All Auth methods return HTTP 200 responses
- handshake
- goodbye
- ping
- register Api6
Non-Data Methods
All Non-Data methods return HTTP 200 responses
- bookmarks
- system_update
- users
- user_preferences
Data Methods
All Data methods return HTTP 200 responses
- advanced_search
- albums
- album
- album_songs
- artists
- artist
- artist_albums
- artist_songs
- bookmark_create
- bookmark_delete
- bookmark_edit
- browse Api6
- catalogs
- catalog
- catalog_action
- catalog_add Api6
- catalog_delete Api6
- catalog_file
- catalog_folder Api6
- deleted_podcast_episodes
- deleted_songs
- deleted_videos
- flag
- followers
- following
- friends_timeline
- genres
- genre
- genre_albums
- genre_artists
- genre_songs
- get_bookmark
- get_indexes
- get_similar
- labels
- label
- label_artists
- last_shouts
- licenses
- license
- license_songs
- list Api6 (Replaces get_indexes)
- live_streams
- live_stream
- live_stream_create Api6
- live_stream_delete Api6
- live_stream_edit Api6
- playlists
- playlist
- playlist_add_song
- playlist_create
- playlist_delete
- playlist_edit
- playlist_generate
- playlist_remove_song
- playlist_songs
- podcasts
- podcast
- podcast_create
- podcast_delete
- podcast_edit
- podcast_episodes
- podcast_episode
- podcast_episode_delete
- preference_create
- preference_delete
- preference_edit
- rate
- record_play
- scrobble
- search_songs
- shares
- share
- share_create
- share_delete
- share_edit
- songs
- song
- song_delete
- stats
- system_preference
- system_preferences
- timeline
- toggle_follow
- update_art
- update_artist_info
- update_from_tags
- update_podcast
- url_to_song
- user
- user_create
- user_delete
- user_edit Api6 (Replaces user_update)
- user_update
- user_preference
- videos
- video
Binary Data Methods
All binary methods will not return XML/JSON responses. they will either return the requested file/data or an HTTP error code.
@return (HTTP 200 OK)
@throws (HTTP 400 Bad Request)
@throws (HTTP 404 Not Found)
- download
- get_art
- stream
Control Methods
All Control methods return HTTP 200 responses
- democratic
- localplay
- localplay_songs
Access Levels
Some methods have a user access level requirement. Access goes from 0-100 and is split into the following types.
- 5: Guest
- 25: User
- 50: Content Manager
- 75: Catalog Manager
- 100: Admin
Request URL Examples
For the purpose of this example the Ampache host is 'localhost' and the path to Ampache is /ampache
Requesting all genres whose name starts with Rock
Requesting all song titles, with an offset of 5000