Advanced search is the API method to access the search rules used in the WEB UI.
It can be confusing to process how the rules are generated so this has been split into it's own page.
NOTE We have also condensed this page into subpages for each search type as well so you can focus on the objects you want.
Search Types
You can search for multiple object types in advanced_search.
This is passed as a type argument and will only return this object in results
- song
- album
- artist
- song_artist (NOTE same rules as artist but only returns song artists)
- album_artist (NOTE same rules as artist but only returns album artists)
- label
- playlist
- podcast
- podcast_episode
- genre
- tag (*Alias of genre)
- user
- video
advanced_search parameters
@param array $input
Input | Type | Description | Optional |
operator | string | and, or (whether to match one rule or all) | NO |
rule_* | array | [rule_1 , rule_1_operator , rule_1_input ] | NO |
rule_* | array | [rule_2 , rule_2_operator , rule_2_input ], [etc] | YES |
type | string | song , album , artist , label , playlist , podcast , podcast_episode , genre , user , video | NO |
random | boolean | 0 , 1 (random order of results; default to 0) | YES |
offset | integer | YES | |
limit' | integer | YES |
Using advanced_search
Perform an advanced search given passed rules. This works in a similar way to the web/UI search pages.
You can pass multiple rules as well as joins to create in depth search results
Rules must be sent in groups of 3 using an int (starting from 1) to designate which rules are combined.
Use operator ('and', 'or') to choose whether to join or separate each rule when searching.
- Rule arrays must contain the following:
- rule name (e.g. rule_1['title'], rule_2['album'])
- rule operator (e.g. rule_1_operator[0], rule_2_operator[3])
- rule input (e.g. rule_1_input['Prodigy'], rule_2_input['Land'])
Available search rules
Select the type of search based on the type of data you are searching for. (songs, playlists, etc)
Searching 'anywhere' searches song title, song filename, song genre, album title, artist title, label title and song comment
rule_1 | Title | Operator Type | Valid Types |
anywhere | Any searchable text | text | song |
none | Empty / No rule search | is_true | song |
title | Title / Name | text | song, album, artist, playlist, label, podcast, podcast_episode, genre |
name | (*Alias of title) | ||
song | Song Title | text | song, album, artist |
song_title | (*Alias of song) | ||
album | Album Title | text | song, album, artist |
album_title | (*Alias of album) | ||
artist | Artist | text | song, album, artist |
artist_title | (*Alias of artist) | ||
podcast | Podcast | text | podcast_episode |
podcast_title | (*Alias of podcast) | ||
podcast_episode | Podcast Episode | text | podcast |
podcast_episode_title | (*Alias of podcast_episode) | ||
album_artist | Album Artist | text | song, album |
album_artist_title | (*Alias of album_artist) | ||
song_artist | Song Artist | text | song, album |
song_artist_title | (*Alias of song_artist) | ||
composer | Composer | text | song |
track | Track | numeric | song |
year | Year | numeric | song, album |
original_year | Original Year | numeric | album |
summary | Summary | text | artist |
yearformed | Year Formed | numeric | artist |
placeformed | Place Formed | text | artist |
release_type | Release Type | text | album |
release_status | Release Status | text | album |
barcode | Barcode | text | album |
catalog_number | Catalog Number | text | album |
version | Release Version | text | album |
release_comment | (*Alias of version) | ||
subtitle | (*Alias of version) | ||
myrating | My Rating | numeric | song, album, artist |
rating | Rating (Average) | numeric | song, album, artist |
songrating | My Rating (Song) | numeric | album, artist |
albumrating | My Rating (Album) | numeric | song, artist |
artistrating | My Rating (Artist) | numeric | song, album |
favorite | Favorites | text | song, album, artist |
favorite_album | Favorites (Album) | text | song |
favorite_artist | Favorites (Artist) | text | song |
played_times | # Played | numeric | song, album, artist, podcast, podcast_episode |
skipped_times | # Skipped | numeric | song, album, artist, podcast, podcast_episode |
played_or_skipped_times | # Skipped | numeric | song, album, artist, podcast, podcast_episode |
myplayed_times | # Played by Me | numeric | song, album, artist, podcast, podcast_episode |
myskipped_times | # Skipped by Me | numeric | song, album, artist, podcast, podcast_episode |
myplayed_or_skipped_times | # Played or Skipped by Me | numeric | song, album, artist, podcast, podcast_episode |
play_skip_ratio | Played/Skipped ratio | numeric | song, podcast, podcast_episode |
last_play | My Last Play | days | song, album, artist, podcast, podcast_episode |
last_play_or_skip | My Last Play OR skip | days | song, album, artist, podcast, podcast_episode |
played | Played | boolean | song, album, artist, podcast, podcast_episode |
myplayed | Played by Me | boolean | song, album, artist, podcast, podcast_episode |
myplayedalbum | Played by Me (Album) | boolean | song |
myplayedartist | Played by Me (Artist) | boolean | song, album |
album_count | Album Count | numeric | artist |
song_count | Song Count | numeric | album, artist |
disk_count | Song Count | numeric | album |
time | Length (in minutes) | numeric | song, album, artist, podcast, podcast_episode |
genre | Genre | tags | song, album, artist |
tag | (*Alias of genre) | ||
song_genre | Song Genre | tags | song, album, artist |
song_tag | (*Alias of song_genre) | ||
album_genre | Album Genre | tags | song, album |
album_tag | (*Alias of album_genre) | ||
artist_genre | Artist Genre | tags | song, artist |
artist_tag | (*Alias of artist_genre) | ||
no_genre | No Genre | is_true | song, album, artist |
no_tag | (*Alias of no_genre) | ||
genre_count_song | Genres with a count of Songs | numeric | song, album, artist |
genre_count_album | Genres with a count of Albums | numeric | song, album, artist |
genre_count_artist | Genres with a count of Artists | numeric | song, album, artist |
other_user | Another User | user_numeric | song, album, artist |
other_user_album | Another User (Album) | user_numeric | song |
other_user_artist | Another User (Artist) | user_numeric | song |
label | Label | text | song |
license | Music License | boolean_numeric | song |
no_license | No License | is_true | song |
playlist | Playlist | boolean_numeric | song, album, artist |
smartplaylist | Smart Playlist | boolean_subsearch | song, album |
playlist_name | Playlist Name | text | song, album, artist |
type | Playlist Type (private, public) | boolean_numeric | playlist |
comment | Comment | text | song |
lyrics | Lyrics | text | song |
file | Filename | text | song, album, artist, video, podcast, podcast_episode |
state | File state (completed, pending skipped) | boolean_numeric | podcast, podcast_episode |
status | (*Alias of state) | ||
bitrate | Bitrate | numeric | song |
added | Added | date | song, podcast, podcast_episode |
updated | Updated | date | song |
pubdate | Publication Date | date | podcast, podcast_episode |
recent_played | Recently Played | numeric_limit | song, album, artist |
recent_added | Recently Added | numeric_limit | song, album |
recent_updated | Recently Updated | numeric_limit | song |
catalog | Catalog | boolean_numeric | song, album, artist |
mbid | MusicBrainz ID | text | song, album, artist |
mbid_album | MusicBrainz ID (Album) | text | song, album, artist |
mbid_artist | MusicBrainz ID (Artist) | text | song, album, artist |
mbid_song | MusicBrainz ID (Song) | text | song, album, artist |
metadata | Metadata | metadata (mixed) | song |
has_image | Local Image | boolean | album, artist |
image_height | Image Height | numeric | album, artist |
image_width | Image Width | numeric | album, artist |
possible_duplicate | Possible Duplicate | is_true | song, album, artist |
possible_duplicate_album | Possible Duplicate Albums | is_true | song, album, artist |
username | Username | text | user |
category | Category | text | label, genre |
waveform | Song has a saved waveform | boolean | song |
Available operator values
Select your operator (integer only!) based on the type or your selected search
NOTE with the numeric_limit and is_true operators the operator is ignored, but still required
rule_1_operator | text / tags | numeric / user_numeric | date | boolean, boolean_numeric, boolean_subsearch, days |
0 | contains | is greater than or equal to / has loved | before | is true / before (x) days ago |
1 | does not contain | is less than or equal to / has rated 5 stars | after | is false / after (x) days ago |
2 | starts with | equals / has rated 4 stars | ||
3 | ends with | does not equal / has rated 3 stars | ||
4 | is | is greater than / has rated 2 stars | ||
5 | is not | is less than / has rated 1 stars | ||
6 (Text Only) | sounds like | |||
7 (Text Only) | does not sound like | |||
8 (Text Only) | matches regular expression | |||
9 (Text Only) | does not match regular expression |
Send the correct input based on the type of search.
rule_1_input |
text |
integer |
boolean |
NOTE To search metadata you need to add a 4th rule "rule_*_subtype"
Operators for metadata are using the text/tag types AND numeric types in a single list as they can be ints/strings/dates.
Currently there is not a simple way to identify what metadata types you have saved. New methods will be created for this.
Metadata operator table
rule_1_operator | Metadata |
0 | contains |
1 | does not contain |
2 | starts with |
3 | ends with |
4 | is |
5 | is not |
6 (Text Only) | sounds like |
7 (Text Only) | does not sound like |
8 (Text Only) | matches regular expression |
9 (Text Only) | does not match regular expression |
10 | is greater than or equal to |
11 | is less than or equal to |
12 | is |
13 | is not |
14 | is greater than |
15 | is less than |
To search a mixed type like metadata you must search using 4 rules.
- Search rule 1 for band containing 'Prodigy', Search Rule 2 for bbm > 120
- rule name (e.g. rule_1['metadata'], rule_2['metadata'])
- rule operator (e.g. rule_1_operator[0], rule_2_operator[12])
- rule input (e.g. rule_1_input['Prodigy'], rule_2_input['120'])
- rule subtype (e.g. rule_1_subtype['4'], rule_2_subtype['9'])
Example URLs
Here are some example calls that might help you get an idea of the URL required to create an advanced search.