Song Search
This page focuses on a single object type.
Refer to the main Advanced Search page for further information regarding the advanced_search method.
Available search rules
Select the type of search based on the type of data you are searching for. (songs, playlists, etc)
rule_1 | Title | Operator Type |
anywhere | Any searchable text | text |
none | Empty / No rule search | is_true |
title | Title / Name | text |
name | (*Alias of title) | |
song | (*Alias of title) | |
song_title | (*Alias of title) | |
album | Album Title | text |
album_title | (*Alias of album) | |
artist | Artist | text |
artist_title | (*Alias of artist) | |
album_artist | Album Artist | text |
album_artist_title | (*Alias of album_artist) | |
song_artist | Song Artist | text |
song_artist_title | (*Alias of song_artist) | |
composer | Composer | text |
track | Track | numeric |
year | Year | numeric |
myrating | My Rating | numeric |
rating | Rating (Average) | numeric |
songrating | My Rating (Song) | numeric |
albumrating | My Rating (Album) | numeric |
artistrating | My Rating (Artist) | numeric |
favorite | Favorites | text |
favorite_album | Favorites (Album) | text |
favorite_artist | Favorites (Artist) | text |
played_times | # Played | numeric |
skipped_times | # Skipped | numeric |
played_or_skipped_times | # Played or Skipped | numeric |
myplayed_times | # Played by Me | numeric |
myskipped_times | # Skipped by Me | numeric |
myplayed_or_skipped_times | # Played or Skipped by Me | numeric |
play_skip_ratio | Played/Skipped ratio | numeric |
last_play | My Last Play | days |
last_play_or_skip | My Last Play OR skip | days |
played | Played | boolean |
myplayed | Played by Me | boolean |
myplayedalbum | Played by Me (Album) | boolean |
myplayedartist | Played by Me (Artist) | boolean |
time | Length (in minutes) | numeric |
genre | Genre | tags |
tag | (*Alias of genre) | |
song_genre | (*Alias of genre) | |
song_tag | (*Alias of genre) | |
album_genre | Album Genre | tags |
album_tag | (*Alias of album_genre) | |
artist_genre | Artist Genre | tags |
artist_tag | (*Alias of artist_genre) | |
no_genre | No Genre | is_true |
no_tag | (*Alias of no_genre) | |
genre_count_song | Genres with a count of Songs | numeric |
genre_count_album | Genres with a count of Albums | numeric |
genre_count_artist | Genres with a count of Artists | numeric |
other_user | Another User | user_numeric |
other_user_album | Another User (Album) | user_numeric |
other_user_artist | Another User (Artist) | user_numeric |
label | Label | text |
license | Music License | boolean_numeric |
no_license | No License | is_true |
playlist | Playlist | boolean_numeric |
smartplaylist | Smart Playlist | boolean_subsearch |
playlist_name | Playlist Name | text |
comment | Comment | text |
lyrics | Lyrics | text |
file | Filename | text |
bitrate | Bitrate | numeric |
added | Added | date |
updated | Updated | date |
recent_played | Recently Played | numeric_limit |
recent_added | Recently Added | numeric_limit |
recent_updated | Recently Updated | numeric_limit |
catalog | Catalog | boolean_numeric |
mbid | MusicBrainz ID | text |
mbid_album | MusicBrainz ID (Album) | text |
mbid_artist | MusicBrainz ID (Artist) | text |
mbid_song | MusicBrainz ID (Song) | text |
metadata | Metadata | metadata (mixed) |
possible_duplicate | Possible Duplicate | is_true |
possible_duplicate_album | Possible Duplicate Albums | is_true |
waveform | Song has a saved waveform | boolean |
Available operator values
Select your operator (integer only!) based on the type or your selected search
NOTE with the numeric_limit and is_true operators the operator is ignored, but still required
rule_1_operator | text / tags | numeric / user_numeric | date | boolean, boolean_numeric, boolean_subsearch, days |
0 | contains | is greater than or equal to / has loved | before | is true / before (x) days ago |
1 | does not contain | is less than or equal to / has rated 5 stars | after | is false / after (x) days ago |
2 | starts with | equals / has rated 4 stars | ||
3 | ends with | does not equal / has rated 3 stars | ||
4 | is | is greater than / has rated 2 stars | ||
5 | is not | is less than / has rated 1 stars | ||
6 (Text Only) | sounds like | |||
7 (Text Only) | does not sound like | |||
8 (Text Only) | matches regular expression | |||
9 (Text Only) | does not match regular expression |
Send the correct input based on the type of search.
rule_1_input |
text |
integer |
boolean |
NOTE To search metadata you need to add a 4th rule "rule_*_subtype"
Operators for metadata are using the text/tag types AND numeric types in a single list as they can be ints/strings/dates.
Currently there is not a simple way to identify what metadata types you have saved. New methods will be created for this.
Metadata operator table
rule_1_operator | Metadata |
0 | contains |
1 | does not contain |
2 | starts with |
3 | ends with |
4 | is |
5 | is not |
6 (Text Only) | sounds like |
7 (Text Only) | does not sound like |
8 (Text Only) | matches regular expression |
9 (Text Only) | does not match regular expression |
10 | is greater than or equal to |
11 | is less than or equal to |
12 | is |
13 | is not |
14 | is greater than |
15 | is less than |
To search a mixed type like metadata you must search using 4 rules.
- Search rule 1 for band containing 'Prodigy', Search Rule 2 for bbm > 120
- rule name (e.g. rule_1['metadata'], rule_2['metadata'])
- rule operator (e.g. rule_1_operator[0], rule_2_operator[12])
- rule input (e.g. rule_1_input['Prodigy'], rule_2_input['120'])
- rule subtype (e.g. rule_1_subtype['4'], rule_2_subtype['9'])