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Playlist Browse

This page focuses on playlist browses.

Refer to the main Api Browse methods page for further information regarding the other Browse types method.

In the Ampache API a playlist is actually a combined object of static playlists and dynamic searches.

Smartlists are prefixes with smart_ to ensure ID values don't clash with playlists

This allows you to list these objects together in a single call.

There are options to ignore, hide or filter searches from your playlist calls but playlist calls can return both types of object.

Available browse filters

You can filter responses by the object name using the following conditions.

  • Name/Title string filters
    • like
    • not_like
    • equal
    • regex_match
    • regex_not_match
    • starts_with
    • not_starts_with

e.g. cond=like,unplayed+tracks

When returning combined playlists and smartlists in a single response you can use the following extra filters.

  • hide_dupe_smartlist: Hide smartlists from the response when there is already a playlist with the same name
  • smartlist: return smartlists only
  • playlist_open: filter by user accessible playlists (public playlists and owner = you)
  • playlist_user: filter for playlists you own

Available browse sorts

Sorts are applied with an optional order. (asc or desc depending on the method)

When you apply a sort you will overwrite the default sort order.

  • id: object id
  • rand: random sort order using SQL RAND()
  • date: creation date
  • last_count: item count
  • last_update: modification date
  • name: object name
  • rating: object rating
  • type: public / private
  • user: owner id
  • username: owner username
  • user_flag: object loved flag
  • user_flag_rating: sort flagged status then rating

Smartlist specific sorts will not affect playlist/combined results.

  • Additional sorts for smartlist browses
    • limit: smartlist item limit
    • random: smartlist has random sort enabled