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API Changelog

API 6.6.0

Like with total_count, we've added an md5sum of the results (called md5) in responses

This is useful for recording whether you need to update or change results.


  • ALL
    • Track user IP on handshake and ping calls
    • playlist_edit: separate error when the playlist doesn't exist
  • API6
    • New Method: playlist_hash (Get the MD5 hash of the playlist without getting the whole object)
    • Add md5 to responses. (Hash objects in the response before slicing and limiting)
    • Add md5 property to playlist objects. (Hash of song objects in the response)
    • Add username property to handshake and ping (with auth) responses to workaround missing usernames in token auth
    • Add has_access property to playlist objects. (Can edit the playlist if true)
    • Add has_collaborate property to playlist objects. (Can add and remove songs to the playlist if true)
    • Add last_update property to playlist objects. (Time a playlist changed. Smartplaylists do not change based on returned songs)


  • API6
    • playlist_edit: Add songs if you're a collaborator and ignore edit parameters if you fail has_access check
    • catalog_add: Do not return an object. (We return a single item)


  • ALL
    • User preferences were not initiated and the server preferences would overwrite differences
    • Api::set_user_id function sending an int instead of a user
  • API6
    • JSON: Send empty array for missing single item methods
    • lost_password: function name incorrect
    • flag: id smartplaylists correctly
    • rate: id smartplaylists correctly
    • albums: Browse user may not be set
    • podcast_episodes: Browse user may not be set

API 6.5.0


  • API6
    • Add songartists to all album data responses. (In an album artists=album_artists, songartists=song_artists)
    • artist_albums: add album_artist as an optional parameter
    • get_indexes: add catalog, album_artist and song_artist as possible type values
    • list: add catalog and song_artist as possible type values
    • Add cond and sort parameters to browse methods
      • album_songs
      • albums
      • artist_albums
      • artist_songs
      • artists
      • browse
      • catalogs
      • followers
      • genre_albums
      • genre_artists
      • genre_songs
      • genres
      • get_indexes
      • index
      • label_artists
      • labels
      • license_songs
      • licenses
      • list
      • live_streams
      • playlists
      • podcasts
      • podcast_episodes
      • shares
      • songs
      • user_playlists
      • user_smartlists


  • Reset any existing browse when calling Api::getBrowse()
  • Filter duplicate search names outside of the data classes and filter on browses
  • API6 methods converted to Browse
    • artist_albums
    • artist_songs
    • browse (catalog types)
    • catalogs
    • followers
    • genre_albums
    • genre_artists
    • genre_songs
    • get_indexes (catalog and playlist types)
    • index (catalog and playlist types)
    • label_artists
    • license_songs
    • list (playlist types)
    • playlists
    • podcast_episodes
    • stats (random playlist types)
    • user_playlists
    • user_smartlists
  • API5 methods converted to Browse
    • get_indexes (playlist types)
    • playlists
    • stats (random playlist types)
  • API4 methods converted to Browse
    • get_indexes (playlist types)
    • playlists


  • ALL
    • html_entity_decode include, items and tracks parameter for applicable methods
    • Rating and flag data for smartlists was using incorrect id
    • playlist_edit: track insert broken by removing table constraint
    • playlist_edit: workaround sending owner username instead of ID
    • playlist_add_song: When using unique_playlist don't grab the whole playlist
  • API6
    • list: sorting was by id instead of name
    • browse: sorting was by id instead of name
    • download: The API can use searches as playlists so check for the smart_ prefix
    • stream: The API can use searches as playlists so check for the smart_ prefix
    • Respect album sort preferences in all album object responses

API 6.4.0


  • API6
    • Downgrade any API7 calls to API6 wiki
    • New Method: player (Inform the server about the state of your client player)
      • Returns now_playing state on completion
    • download: add bitrate parameter
    • playlists: add include parameter (note this can be massive and slow when searches are included)


  • API6
    • Do not translate API errorMessage strings


  • ALL
    • Download method format parameter didn't have a fallback value
  • API4
    • playlist: error check for missing/deleted playlists
    • playlist_songs: error check for missing/deleted playlists
  • API6
    • Playlists objects would not return duplicates items if allowed
    • has_art property missing from songs and albums
    • playlist_add: couldn't add a single item

API 6.3.1


  • API6
    • New Method: now_playing (Get what is currently being played by all users.)

API 6.3.0


  • API6
    • New Method: search_group (return multiple object types from a single set of search rules)
    • New Method: search (alias for advanced_search)
    • New Method: user_playlists (return user playlists and does not include smartlists)
    • New Method: user_smartlists (return user smartlists (searches) and does not include playlists)
    • New Method: playlist_add (add songs to a playlist, allowing different song parent types)
    • New Method: index (replaces get_indexes with a simpler list of id's. children can be included)
    • Add has_art parameter to any object with an art url
    • Add avatar url to user objects


  • API6
    • playlist_add_song: depreciated and will be removed in API7 (Use playlist_add)
    • share_create: add more valid types ('playlist', 'podcast', 'podcast_episode', 'video')
    • user: make username optional


  • ALL
    • Userflag wasn't sending bool when cached in the database
    • Admin would always get everyones playlists when filtering
    • Stream methods would not send the bitrate correctly
  • API4
    • playlists method not respecting like for smartlists
  • API5
    • playlists method not respecting like for smartlists
  • API6
    • playlists method not respecting like for smartlists
    • playlist_edit method will decode html , separators

API 6.2.0


  • API: Allow non-expiring user sessions when using a header token
  • Allow endless api sessions. (You should start using http header auth to hide these)


  • Set default API version to 6 (was 5)
  • Allow raising and lowering response version on ping to any version
  • API6
    • Return error on handshake version failure


  • ALL
    • UrlToSong couldn't handle encoded urls
  • API3
    • Video data would get an incorrect stream url
  • API5
    • bookmark_create: type is mandatory
  • API6
    • bookmark_create: type is mandatory

API 6.1.0

Two new methods have been added

The bookmark methods have had a bit of a rework as they were not very useful

Finally the issues with setting your auth token in the http header have been fixed


  • API6
    • New Method: bookmark (Get single bookmark by bookmark_id)
    • New Method: lost_password (Allows a non-admin user to reset their password)
    • bookmark_create: Add include parameter (if true include the object in the bookmark)
    • bookmark_edit: Add include parameter (if true include the object in the bookmark)
    • get_bookmark
      • Add include parameter (if true include the object in the bookmark)
      • Add all parameter (if true include every bookmark for the object)
    • bookmarks
      • Add parameter client to filter by specific groups of bookmarks
      • Add include parameter (if true include the object in the bookmark)


  • API5
    • bookmark_edit: show error on missing bookmark instead of empty object
    • bookmark_delete: show error on missing bookmark instead of empty object
  • API6
    • get_bookmark
      • add bookmark as a valid object_type
      • Don't return single JSON bookmarks as an object
    • bookmark_create: Remove client parameter default value ('AmpacheAPI')
    • bookmark_edit
      • Remove client parameter default value ('AmpacheAPI')
      • show error on missing bookmark instead of empty object
      • add bookmark as a valid object_type
      • Don't return single JSON bookmarks as an object
    • bookmark_delete
      • Remove client parameter default value ('AmpacheAPI')
      • show error on missing bookmark instead of empty object
      • add bookmark as a valid object_type


  • ALL
    • handshake: auth failure with header token
    • playlist_generate: Don't error when optional mode and format are not set
    • advanced_search: runtime error on empty data type
  • API4
    • Fix lots of Runtime Error's on missing optional data
  • API5
    • Fix lots of Runtime Error's on missing optional data
    • genre_artists, genre_albums, genre_songs: Parameter filter runtime errors
    • bookmark_edit
      • Missing user id in data array
      • Not able to edit all bookmarks
  • API6
    • Fix lots of Runtime Error's on missing optional data
    • catalog_folder didn't get the group of items correctly
    • genre_artists, genre_albums, genre_songs: Parameter filter runtime errors
    • bookmark_edit
      • Missing user id in data array
      • Not able to edit all bookmarks

API 6.0.3


  • API5::playlist_songs: Add random to get random objects filtered by limit


  • ALL
    • handshake: runtime errors with bad username
    • handshake: Don't error on empty data counts
    • ping: Don't error on empty data counts
  • Api6
    • list: searches were missing from playlists
    • browse: XML returned a list instead of a browse object

API 6.0.2


API 6.0.1


  • API6 XML
    • get_similar: return song objects to match json


  • API6
    • user_preference: returned array instead of object
    • system_preference: returned array instead of object
    • preference_create: returned array instead of object
    • preference_edit: returned array instead of object

API 6.0.0

Stream token's will let you design permalinked streams and allow users to stream iwhtout re authenticating to the server. wiki


  • API5::playlist_songs: Add random to get random objects filtered by limit
  • API6 (Based on API5)
    • API6::browse: List server contents in a directory-style listing (Music, Podcast and Video catalogs)
    • API6::list: Replace get_indexes with a faster lookup and similar parameters returning id, name, prefix and basename
    • API6::catalog_add: Create a catalog (Require: 75)
    • API6::catalog_delete: Delete a catalog (Require: 75)
    • API6::live_stream_create: Create a new live stream (radio station)
    • API6::live_stream_edit: Edit a live stream
    • API6::live_stream_delete: Delete a stream by ID
    • API6::register: Allow users to register an account (if enabled)
    • API6::playlist_create: Return an error if the playlist name already exists for that user
    • API6::playlist_songs: Add random to get random objects filtered by limit
    • API6::user_edit (previously user_create):
      • Add group parameter to pick a catalog filter group
      • Add fullname_public to enable/disable using fullname in public display
      • Add reset_apikey to reset a user Api Key
      • Add reset_streamtoken to reset a user Stream Token
      • Add clear_stats reset all stats for this user be very sure about this one!
    • Add prefix (Prefix for Full Name) to album & artist responses
    • Add basename (Name without prefix) to album & artist responses
    • Add bitrate to Democratic objects
    • Add format to Song and Democratic objects
    • Add stream_format, stream_bitrate, stream_mime to Song objects (This is the transcoded output for a stream)
    • Add all mapped artists to song and album objects (JSON added an artists element)
    • Add bitrate, stream_bitrate, rate, mode, channels to Podcast Episode objects
  • JSON responses
    • Cast bool fields to true and false instead of "1" & "0"
    • Add total_count to responses to give clients an idea of the total possible objects
  • advanced_search
    • Add song_genre to album and artist searches
    • Add possible_duplicate_album to song search
    • Add mbid_artist to album search
    • Add barcode to album search
    • Add catalog_number to album search
    • Add smartplaylist to album search
    • Add duplicate_tracks to album and song search (MIN & MAX id for song search)
    • Alias possible_duplicate_album => possible_duplicate for album search
    • Alias album_genre => genre for album search
    • Alias mbid_album => mbid for album search
    • Alias mbid_artist => mbid for artist search
    • Alias song_genre => genre for song search


  • Api6
    • Renamed user_update to user_edit (user_update still works and will be depreciated in API7)
  • Api5
    • Add backwards compatible user_edit method to point to user_update
  • ALL
    • Add all possible plugin preferences to the system list so they can't be deleted
    • Albums with no album_artist may now return 0 artist called 'Various'
    • Don't send AlbumDisk objects to the API
    • Send the authenticated user to all method calls
  • XML responses
    • Api6 XML success and error response messages are put in a message element (like json)
    • For data responses id is the only attribute and everything else is an element
    • Name was not set as an attribute OR an element so now it's always an element
    • Return original XML output (that may be malformed) when loadxml fails.
  • Api6::get_indexes: This method is depreciated and will be removed in API7 (Use list instead)


  • Api6
    • preciserating removed from all objects (use rating)
    • Remove non-song MBIDs as not relevant to the object
    • album_songs remove exact as a parameter
    • stream remove podcast as a valid type value
  • preference_create: don't allow creating 'system' preferences
  • Warning of depreciated methods from API5 have been removed from API6
    • Api6::tag
    • Api6::tags
    • Api6::tag_albums
    • Api6::tag_artists
    • Api6::tag_songs


  • ALL
    • advanced_search methods were breaking with various offset and limits
  • Api6 JSON
    • Share and Bookmark object id's were not strings
  • Api3
    • Never send 0 ratings. They should always be null (e.g. <rating/>)
    • Artists method parameters were incorrect

API 5.6.4


  • ALL
    • Fixed Bearer token auth on all methods
  • API4
    • Fix lots of Runtime Error's on missing optional data
  • API5
    • Fix lots of Runtime Error's on missing optional data
    • genre_artists, genre_albums, genre_songs: Parameter filter runtime errors
    • bookmark_edit, bookmark_create: Missing user in the object data

API 5.6.3


  • API5::playlist_songs: Add random to get random objects filtered by limit


  • ALL
    • handshake: runtime errors with bad username
    • handshake: Don't error on empty data counts
    • ping: Don't error on empty data counts
  • API4
    • share_create: null expires fall back to share_expire or 7 days
  • API5
    • share_create: null expires fall back to share_expire or 7 days
    • preference_edit: Could apply to the wrong user

API 5.6.2


  • ALL
    • Require and set a valid version for api_force_version

API 5.6.1


API 5.6.0


  • ALL
    • share_create and share_edit methods broken when setting expiry days
    • advanced_search methods were breaking with various offset and limits
    • playlists methods parameter 'exact' always ending up false
  • Api5
    • update_art hardcoded url to artist
    • Typo in song bitrate xml

API 5.5.6

Fix various runtime errors and incorrect parameters for responses.


  • API browses all point to the Api class
  • Use FILTER_VALIDATE_IP on ping calls


  • Api5
    • songs set_filter call without browse parameter may have lost info
    • get_indexes set album_artist filter correctly
    • artists set album_artist filter correctly
    • share_create undefined filter check
  • Api4
    • songs set_filter call without browse parameter may have lost info
    • get_indexes set album_artist filter correctly
    • timeline incorrect JSON attribute data instead of date
    • catalogs JSON had incorrect data for last_add and missing enabled
    • albums return an empty response with a bad artist id
    • download url parameter order matching "client, action, cache"
    • catalogs undefined filter check
    • podcast undefined filter check
    • podcast_edit undefined filter check
    • podcasts undefined filter check
    • share_create undefined filter check
    • share_edit undefined filter check
  • Api3
    • album_songs return an empty response with a bad album id
    • artist_albums return an empty response with a bad artist id
    • Calls to songs with user ID instead of user object

API 5.5.4


  • User count in Api::ping and Api::handshake was doubled
  • Api3::stats method had incorrect recent parameters
  • Ensure the output bitrate and mime are set for song objects

API 5.5.3


API 5.5.2


  • advanced_search
    • Add song_artist as a search type (uses artist rules)
    • Add album_artist as a search type (uses artist rules)
    • Add song_genre, mbid_artist, mbid_song to album search
    • Add song_genre, mbid_album, mbid_song to artist search
    • Add possible_duplicate_album to song search


  • advanced_search
    • unable to retrieve song_artist or album_artist results

API 5.5.1


API 5.5.0


  • Api::stream add new types playlist and search (Streams a random object from these lists)
  • Api::download add new types playlist and search
  • advanced_search
    • Add podcast as a search type
      • Add rule title
      • Add rule podcast_episode (Search by podcast episode name)
      • Add rule time (Episode length in minutes)
      • Add rule state (Completed, Pending Skipped)
      • Add rule file
      • Add rule added
      • Add rule pubdate (Episode Publication Date)
    • Add podcast_episode as a search type
      • Add rule title
      • Add rule podcast (Search by podcast name)
      • Add rule time (Length in minutes)
      • Add rule state (Completed, Pending Skipped)
      • Add rule file
      • Add rule added
      • Add rule pubdate (Publication Date)
    • Add genre as a search type
      • Add rule title


  • API4::get_indexes podcast_episode was encoding into the API5 object
  • API4::share_create was unable to share when using lowercase types
  • advanced_search
    • Added missing song (was song_title) to album searches

API 5.4.1


  • Include lyrics in Song objects
  • advanced_search
    • Add file to album and artist search
    • Add track to song search
    • Add summary to artist search

API 5.4.0


  • advanced_search
    • Add file to album and artist search

API 5.3.3


  • advanced_search
    • Add song_title to album search
    • Add album_title and song_title to artist search
    • Add orphaned_album to song search

API 5.3.2


API 5.3.1


API 5.3.0


  • advanced_search:
    • Add songrating to album search (My Rating (Song))
    • Add songrating (My Rating (Song)) and albumrating (My Rating (Album)) to artist search
    • Allow empty/null searches for all mbid searches
    • Allow empty/null searches for label searches
    • Add song_count to album and artist search
    • Add album_count to artist search
    • Add myplayedartist (Played by Me (Artist)) to album search
    • Add song_artist to album search
    • Add alias album_artist to album search for artist searches
    • Add recent_added to album search

API 5.2.1


  • API5
    • Return the xml total_count of playlists based on hide_search preference


  • API4
    • update_from_tags: type case error
    • rate: Object type to class mapping
    • flag: Object type to class mapping
    • update_art: Object type to class mapping and type case check
    • update_from_tags: Object type to class mapping
    • genre and tag function compatibility
  • API3
    • stats: incorrect getRandom call
    • rate: Object type to class mapping
    • playlist: bad escaping on the playlist id

API 5.2.0

Check out the docs for multi API support at

note JSON didn't exist for API3 so all json requests from API3 calls will revert to API5


  • Support for API3, API4 and API5 responses including PHP8 support (keeps original tag calls)
  • API5
    • playlists: sql for searches wasn't filtering
    • playlists: add parameter 'show_dupes' if true ignore 'api_hide_dupe_searches' setting
  • API4
    • playlists: add parameter 'show_dupes' if true ignore 'api_hide_dupe_searches' setting
  • API3
    • Added genre calls as an alias to tag functions to match API4 and API5

API 5.1.1


  • Access to podcast_episode_delete
  • stats calls with an offest and limit
  • advanced_search calls with an offset and limit

API 5.1.0


  • NEW API functions
    • Api::live_stream (get a radio stream by id)
    • Api::live_streams
  • Api::stream Added type 'podcast_episode' ('podcast' to be removed in Ampache 6.0.0)
  • Add 'time' and 'size' to all podcast_episode responses


  • live_stream objects added 'catalog' and 'site_url'
  • stats: additional type values: 'video', 'playlist', 'podcast', 'podcast_episode'


  • get_indexes: JSON didn't think live_streams was valid (it is)
  • record_play: user is optional
  • Bad xml tags in deleted functions
  • scrobble: Add song_mbid, artist_mbid, album_mbid (docs have no '_' so support both)

API 5.0.0

All API code that used 'Tag' now references 'Genre' instead

This version of the API is the first semantic version. "5.0.0"


  • Add global playcount to podcast_episode and video responses
  • searches (the number of saved smartlists) added to the handshake/ping response
  • NEW API functions
    • Api::song_delete (Delete files when you are allowed to)
    • Api::user_preferences (Get your user preferences)
    • Api::user_preference (Get your preference by name)
    • Api::system_update (Check Ampache for updates and run the update if there is one.)
    • Api::system_preferences (Preferences for the system user)
    • Api::system_preference (Get a system preference by name)
    • Api::preference_create (Add a new preference to Ampache)
    • Api::preference_edit (Edit a preference value by name; optionally apply to all users)
    • Api::preference_delete (Delete a preference by name)
    • Api::labels (list your record labels)
    • Api::label (get a label by id)
    • Api::label_artists (get all artists attached to that label)
    • Api::get_bookmark (See if you've previously played the file)
    • Api::bookmarks (List all bookmarks created by your account)
    • Api::bookmark_create (Create a bookmark to allow revisting later)
    • Api::bookmark_edit (Edit a bookmark)
    • Api::bookmark_delete (Delete a bookmark by object id, type, user and client name)
    • Api::localplay_songs (Get the list of songs in your localplay instance)
    • API::deleted_songs
    • API::deleted_podcast_episodes
    • API::deleted_videos


  • The API version matches release version '5.0.0'
  • A backcompatible version (500000) is sent when using old api versions
  • handshake and ping counts now return the actual object counts for playlists
    • 'playlists' => $counts['playlist'],
    • 'searches' => $counts['search'],
    • 'playlists_searches' => $counts['playlist'] + $counts['search']
  • Renamed functions:
    • tags => genres
    • tag => genre
    • tag_artists => genre_artists
    • tag_albums => genre_albums
    • tag_songs => genre_songs
  • Don't allow duplicate podcast feeds
  • Make filter optional in shares, genre_artists, genre_albums, genre_songs (Used as a general catch all method like genres)
  • Error Codes and response structure has changed
    • 4700 Access Control not Enabled
    • 4701 Received Invalid Handshake
    • 4703 Access Denied
    • 4704 Not Found
    • 4705 Missing Method
    • 4706 Depreciated Method
    • 4710 Bad Request
    • 4742 Failed Access Check
  • stats: Removed back compat from older versions. Only 'type' is mandatory
  • Return empty objects when the request was correct but the results were empty
  • Don't transcode podcast_episodes
  • localplay
    • added 'track' parameter used by 'skip' commands to go to the playlist track (playlist starts at 1)
  • system_update: update the database if required as well
  • playlist_edit: added 'owner' as an optional parameter (Change playlist owner to the user id)
  • catalog_file: Allow comma-separate task values. (good for API inotify scripts)
  • podcast_episode object "pubdate" has been changed to ISO 8601 date (2004-02-12T15:19:21+00:00)
  • podcast object "build_date" and "sync_date" have also been changed to ISO 8601 date


  • catalog_file: Couldn't add files

API 4.4.2


  • API::indexes Artist albums were being added incorrectly for XML
  • Send back the full album name in responses

API 4.4.1


  • API::stats would not offset recent calls

API 4.4.0


  • NEW API functions
    • Api::users (ID and Username of the site users)
  • Api::localplay added new options to 'command' ('pause', 'add', 'volume_up', 'volume_down', 'volume_mute', 'delete_all', 'skip')
  • Api::localplay added parameters:
    • 'oid' (integer) object_id to add //optional
    • 'type' (string) Default: 'Song' ('Song', 'Video', 'Podcast_Episode', 'Channel', 'Broadcast', 'Democratic', 'Live_Stream') //optional
    • 'clear' (integer) 0|1 clear the current playlist on add //optional
  • Api::playlist_edit added new parameter 'sort': (0,1) sort the playlist by 'Artist, Album, Song' //optional
  • Api::get_indexes
    • New type options: 'album_artist', 'podcast', 'podcast_episode', 'share', 'video'
    • Added parameter 'include': (0,1) (add the extra songs details if a playlist or podcast_episodes if a podcast)
  • Api::rate - Added types 'playlist', 'podcast', 'podcast_episode', 'video', 'tvshow', 'tvshow_season'
  • Api::flag - Added types 'podcast', 'podcast_episode', 'video', 'tvshow', 'tvshow_season'
  • Add time to artist and album objects. (total time of all songs in seconds)
  • Add songcount, albumcount to artist objects. (time in seconds)
  • Add songcount to album objects. (time in seconds)
  • Add type (release_type) to album objects
  • Add disk to song objects
  • Add time to video objects. (time in seconds)
  • Add title, mime, catalog to podcast_episodes
  • Api::advanced_search Add 'playlist', 'user' and 'video' to search types
  • Api::handshake added extra total counts to the response
    • users, tags, podcasts, podcast_episodes, shares, licenses, live_streams, labels
  • Api::ping match the handshake response (excluding the auth token)


  • get_indexes: 'playlist' now requires include=1 for xml calls if you want the tracks
  • Make filter optional in shares
  • Api::podcast_episodes
    • "url" is now a play url (instead of a link to the episode)
    • "public_url" is now the old episode link


  • Api::podcast_edit wasn't able to edit a podcast...
  • Api::democratic was using action from localplay in the return responses
  • get_indexes for XML didn't include podcast indexes
  • Set OUTDATED_DATABASE_OK on image.php, play/index.php and share.php to stop blocking requests
  • Don't limit sub items when using a limit (e.g return all podcast episodes when selecting a podcast)


  • Dropped in API 5.0.0
    • Api::get_indexes; stop including playlist track and id in xml by default
    • Album objects: "tracks" will only include track details. Use "songcount"
    • Artist objects: "albums", "songs" will only include track details Use "albumcount" and "songcount"

API 4.3.0


  • Api::record_play
    • Make 'user' parameter optional
    • Allow 'user' to the be user_id or the username string
    • Add 'date' parameter (optional)
    • Require 100 (Admin) permission to record plays for other users
  • Api::get_indexes
    • Add 'hide_search' parameter (optional)
  • Api::playlists
    • Add 'hide_search' parameter (optional)
  • Setting a limit of 'none' would slice away all the results

API 4.2.6


API 4.2.5


API 4.2.4


API 4.2.3


API 4.2.2

Minor bugfixes


  • Api::advanced_search added parameter 'random' (0|1) to shuffle your searches


  • Remove spaces from advanced_search rule names. (Backwards compatible with old names)
    • 'has image' => 'has_image'
    • 'image height' => 'image_height'
    • 'image width' => 'image_width'
    • 'filename' => 'file' (Video search)


  • Search rules 'has image', 'image height', 'image width', 'filename'. (Removed in Ampache 5.0.0)


  • Api::stream, Api::download Api::playlist_generate 'format' parameter was overwritten with 'xml' or 'json'
  • Produce valid XML for playlist_generate using the 'id' format in XML

API 4.2.1

No functional changes from 4.2.0


  • Filter in "playlist" and "playlist_songs" fixed

API 4.2.0

API versions will follow release version and no longer use builds in the integer versions (e.g. 420000) API 5.0.0-release will be the first Ampache release to match the release string.


  • JSON API now available!
    • Call xml as normal:
    • Call the JSON server:
    • Example XML and JSON responses available here
  • NEW API functions
    • get_similar: send artist or song id to get related objects from
    • shares: get a list of shares you can access
    • share: get a share by id
    • share_create: create a share
    • share_edit: edit an existing share
    • share_delete: delete an existing share
    • podcasts: get a list of podcasts you can access
    • podcast: get a podcast by id
    • podcast_episodes: get a list of podcast_episodes you can access
    • podcast_episode: get a podcast_episode by id
    • podcast_episode_delete: delete an existing podcast_episode
    • podcast_create: create a podcast
    • podcast_edit: edit an existing podcast
    • podcast_delete: delete an existing podcast
    • update_podcast: sync and download new episodes
    • licenses: get a list of licenses you can access
    • license: get a license by id
    • catalogs: get all the catalogs
    • catalog: get a catalog by id
    • catalog_file: clean, add, verify using the file path (good for scripting)


  • Bump API version to 420000 (4.2.0)
  • All calls that return songs now include <playlisttrack> which can be used to identify track order.
  • <playcount> added to objects with a playcount.
  • <license> added to song objects.
  • Don't gather art when adding songs
  • Added actions to catalog_action. 'verify_catalog' 'gather_art'
  • API function "playlist_edit": added ability to edit playlist items
    • items = (string) comma-separated song_id's (replace existing items with a new object_id) //optional
    • tracks = (string) comma-separated playlisttrack numbers matched to items in order //optional
  • Random albums will get songs for all disks if album_group enabled


  • API Build number is depreciated (the last 3 digits of the api version)
    • API 5.0.0 will be released with a string version ("5.0.0-release")
    • All future 4.x.x API versions will follow the main Ampache version. (420000, 421000, 422000)
  • total_count in the XML API is depreciated and will be removed in API 5.0.0.
  • Genre in songs is depreciated and will be removed in API 5.0.0.
    • Use tag instead of genre, tag provides a genre ID as well as the name.


  • Extra text in catalog API calls
  • Don't fail the API calls when the database needs updating

API 4.0.0 build 004

Bump API version to 400004 (4.0.0 build 004)


  • Add Api::check_access to warn when you can't access a function


  • Fix parameters using 0
  • Get the correct total_count in xml when you set a limit
  • Fix many XML formatting issues

API 4.0.0 build 003

Bump API version to 400003 (4.0.0 build 003)



  • Api::playlist - filter mandatory
  • Api::playlist_edit - filter mandatory. name and type now optional
  • Api::user - Extend return values to include more user fields
  • Playlist::create - Return duplicate playlist ID instead of creating a new one
  • Do not limit smartlists based on item count (return everything you can access)
  • Api/Database - Add last_count for search table to speed up access in API


  • Artist::check - Remove MBID from Various Artist objects


  • Fix Song::update_song for label
  • Fix Api issues relating to playlist access

API 4.0.0 build 001

  • Bump API version to 400002 (4.0.0 build 001)


  • Documented the Ampache API []
  • Include smartlists in the API playlist calls.
  • Authentication: allow sha256 encrypted apikey for auth
    • You must send an encrypted api key in the following fashion. (Hash key joined with username)
    • $passphrase = hash('sha256', $username . hash('sha256', $apikey));
  • Added artist_tag to song searches
  • flag: allows flagging object by id & type
  • record_play: allows recording play of object without streaming
  • catalog_action: allow running add_to_catalog|clean_catalog
  • playlist_edit: allow editing name and type of playlist
  • goodbye: Destroy session
  • get_indexes: return simple index lists to allow a quicker library fill.
  • check_parameter: error when mandatory inputs are missing
  • stream: Raw stream of song_id
  • download: Download, not recorded as a play
  • get_art: Raw art file like subsonic getCoverArt
  • user_create: 'user' access level only!
  • user_update: update user details and passwords for non-admins
  • user_delete: you can't delete yourself or and admin account!
  • update_from_tags: updates a single album, artist, song from the tag data instead of the entire library!
  • update_art: updates a single album, artist, song running the gather_art process
  • update_artist_info: Update artist information and fetch similar artists from
  • playlist_generate: Get a list of song xml, indexes or id's based on some simple search criteria. care of @4phun


  • Authentication: Require a handshake and generate unique sessions at all times
  • advanced_search
    • 'is not' has been added shifting values down the list. (0=contains, 1=does not contain, 2=starts with, 3=ends with, 4=is, 5=is not, 6=sounds like, 7=does not sound like)
    • rule_1['name'] is depreciated. Instead of multiple searches for the same thing rule_1'name' has been replaced with 'title' (I have put a temp workaround into the search rules to alleviate this change)
  • stats
    • allow songs|artists|albums (instead of just albums)
  • playlists
    • allow return of smartlists as well as regular playlists (set a 5000 limit on unlimited smartlists)
  • playlist_add_song
    • Added check boolean to skip duplicate songs
  • playlist_remove_song
    • Allow uid of song instead of the track id from the playlist